Lección 11 - Transportation (Transporte)
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Páginas en esta lección: Vocabulario - Gramática - Comprensión Oral - Diálogo - Lectura - Expresiones - Dictado - Juego
Esta página: Aprende cinco expresiones en inglés.
Aprende cinco expresiones en inglés americano que están relacionadas con el tema de esta lección.
Selecciona la expresión correcta en la conversación siguiente.
DAN - How was your vacation last week?
LARRY - Terrible. I thought we would never get back.
DAN - Really? What happened?
LARRY - My daughter got sick and so we tried to come home early. We went to the airport and they said that we could change our flights but we had to pay $100 fine per ticket plus the difference in the fare. It was over a $1000!
DAN - Did you pay it?
LARRY - I explained to the the person at the ticket counter that my daughter was sick and he made some phone calls to try to get the fee reduced. Finally they agreed to $500 total to change all of the tickets.
DAN - That's good. So then you got home OK?
LARRY - No. We took the first part of the flight but we were supposed to land in Chicago and refuel and then continue on to Los Angeles. After we landed in Chicago they said that it was too foggy to take off again.
DAN - What did you do?
DAN - So you stayed in Chicago?
LARRY - Yeah. I'm not going on any more vacations for a while. I'll stay right at home.
DAN - Ha, ha, ha!
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Inglés Avanzado -
Lección 11 - Transportation (Transporte)
Vocabulario - Gramática - Comprensión Oral - Diálogo - Lectura - Expresiones - Dictado - Juego
Básico - Intermedio - Avanzado - Profesores
Pronombres - Pronunciación - Verbos - Verbos Irregulares
Vocabulario - Gramática - Pronunciación - Ortografía
Palabras Comunes - Preguntas - Estudiar en el Extranjero
Diálogos en Inglés - Lecturas en Inglés