Inglés Mundial


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Lección 6 - House (La Casa)
Navegación: Inicio Nivel Avanzado Lección 6 → Expresiones
Páginas en esta lección: Vocabulario - Gramática - Comprensión Oral - Diálogo - Lectura - Expresiones - Dictado - Juego
Esta página: Aprende cinco expresiones en inglés.


Expresiones en Inglés

Aprende cinco expresiones en inglés americano que están relacionadas con el tema de esta lección.



Selecciona la expresión correcta en la conversación siguiente.

SHARON - I'm having a lot of problems with my son Tom. I'm with him.

PAM - Why?

SHARON - I asked him three times to clean his room and he didn't. Finally I said that he needed to clean his room or he couldn't go out with his friends this Saturday.

PAM - Did he do it?

SHARON - Yes. He finally did it.

PAM - You need to be strict with teenagers or they'll take advantage of you. The other night Sam came home late from the football game and went straight into his room without saying anything to us. I thought it seemed because he usually comes into the living room and talks to us when he comes home. I went up to his room and knocked on his bedroom door. When he opened it I noticed the smell of alcohol on his breath.

SHARON - What did you do?

PAM - I told him that my husband and I would talk to him about it the next day after school and we would decide what his punishment would be. The problem was that the next day my husband . He didn't wait for me to get home from work. He sat down with Sam and talked to him about it.

SHARON - What punishment did he give him?

PAM - He said that he needs to come straight home after school for the next month and that he can't go out with his friends. I take away his car for punishment, because I know how much he loves his car.

SHARON - Since your husband didn't wait for you I guess it's too late to change the punishment now.

PAM - Yes.


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Inglés Avanzado - Lección 6 - House (La Casa)
Vocabulario - Gramática - Comprensión Oral - Diálogo - Lectura - Expresiones - Dictado - Juego


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Enlaces Importantes

Básico - Intermedio - Avanzado - Profesores

Pronombres - Pronunciación - Verbos - Verbos Irregulares

Vocabulario - Gramática - Pronunciación - Ortografía

Palabras Comunes - Preguntas - Estudiar en el Extranjero

Diálogos en Inglés - Lecturas en Inglés